Learn More About Enzymes

Clinicals Health Digestive N-Zyme Complex has 17 enzymes per capsule, in the highest quantity to ensure maximum efficacy!


Breaks down plant, vegetable, and meat-derived proteins.

The vast majority of metabolic enzymes in the body that help regulate almost every cellular function are proteases or also known as proteolytic enzymes. Protease occurs naturally in the body and makes up 1-5% of all genetic content. These enzymes are so versatile that they can meet both digestive and metabolic needs in the body.

Benefits of Protease

Loading up on protease supplements can give you the following proven health benefits:

Strong Immune System

Protease can help boost the immune function and prevent a wide array of diseases and infections. In fact, the natural killer cells of the immune system contain proteases known as granzymes which help them function at optimal levels. Results from one study show that natural killer cells and other immune system cells require granzymes for the rapid induction of programmed cell death in susceptible target cells.

Protection Against Free Radicals and Inflammation

Proteolytic enzymes provide synergistic protection against free radical damage in the intestinal tract due to their anti-inflammatory properties. One study found that proteolytic enzymes were able to bring down the levels of inflammatory substances, indicating that protease can help combat inflammatory disorders. In particular, this makes protease preparations especially useful for people suffering from ulcers, celiac and Crohn’s disease.

Stroke and Heart Disease Prevention

The build-up of cholesterol inside the arteries and vessel walls (atherosclerosis) forms a harmful plaque which may eventually lead to stroke or heart attack. Interestingly, a study published in 2009 demonstrated that protease enzymes may help reduce the formation of this dangerous plaque build-up and may have a therapeutic role in atherosclerosis.  

Faster Recovery from Injuries

A large body of research found that proteolytic enzyme combinations can help treat sports injuries. For instance, in a study of 44 people with sports-related ankle injuries, researchers found that treatment with proteolytic enzymes resulted in faster healing and reduced the time away from training by about 50%. Three other studies involving a total of 80 athletes, found that supplementation with proteolytic enzymes accelerated healing of bruises and other athletic injuries compared to placebo.  

Relief from Osteoarthritis

Several lines of evidence suggest that proteolytic enzymes can be on par with the standard drug diclofenac for the treatment of osteoarthritis. For instance, results from two studies show that proteolytic enzyme treatment in patients with osteoarthritis improved joint inflammation and stiffness as well as quality of life.


Breaks Down larger proteins into smaller peptides.

Aspergillopepsin, also known as Aspergillus acid protease or Aspergillus acid proteinase, is a proteolytic enzyme. This enzyme aids in the proper digestion of proteins and carbohydrates so that they will be easily converted into glucose and be used effectively by every cell in the body. This enzyme is found in a variety of spore-forming fungi known as Aspergillus species. You can also get a decent amount of aspergillopepsin in the form of capsules and tablets in many health food stores.

Benefits of Aspergillopepsin

Taking aspergillopepsin has a lot of proven health benefits to offer. Among them are the following:

Protects Against Free Radical Damage

The antioxidant activities of Aspergillus species are extensively reported in several studies. It is postulated that their antioxidant properties come from their abilities to hunt free radicals and inactivate them to prevent further cellular damage. This effect can help slow the signs of aging and prevent a wide array of diseases related to free radical damage.

Treats Celiac Disease

Celiac disease or sprue is an inheritable, life-long disease that is characterized by an inflammatory reaction to dietary gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and other grains. The hallmark of the disease is intestinal damage resulting in malabsorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. If untreated, celiac disease can lead to various complications including anemia, neurological problems, cancer, bone diseases, and other inflammatory disorders. Interestingly, one clinical trial found that aspergillopepsin supplementation in patients with celiac disease provided relief from symptoms related to inadvertent gluten exposure. This therapeutic effect is related to the ability of aspergillopepsin to digest gluten effectively.

Improves Energy Levels

Malabsorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals caused by gluten intolerance can deplete one’s energy levels. Since a gluten-free diet can be deficient in fiber and other vitamins and minerals, scientists recommend oral aspergillopepsin supplements in patients with gluten intolerance to get the nutrients and energy they need. In addition, since aspergillopepsin is a potent digestive enzyme, it aids in the proper digestion of starch and other carbohydrate-rich foods so that your body has sufficient energy stores.

Maintains a Healthy Digestive System

Taking aspergillopepsin can help improve digestive health by preventing constipation and normalizing bowel movements. Results from one study show that aspergillopepsin from Aspergillus oryzae stimulates the growth of some bacteria that digest fiber. This finding is highly significant since proper absorption of fiber can help improve bowel regularity. In addition, aspergillopepsin’s ability to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria can help restore the delicate balance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract.

Lowers High Cholesterol Levels

Aspergillopepsin’s benefits go beyond digestive health. Consuming this health-enhancing enzyme can help bring down high cholesterol levels. In fact, one of the most well-known Aspergillus products is lovastatin, the cholesterol-reducing small molecule which was originally isolated from Aspergillus terreus.


Breaks down complex starches in root vegetables and grains.

Amylase is the primary starch-digesting enzyme produced in the body. It is responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates into smaller units. The digestive process eventually converts carbohydrates into glucose, which serves as the main fuel of every cell in the body. Natural dietary sources of amylase include legumes, whole grains, nuts, sprouted seeds as well as raw fruits and vegetables. Amylase can also be found in digestive aid supplements, often in combination with other digestive enzymes

Benefits of Amylase

Aside from producing energy, amylase also holds a wide array of health benefits including:

Better Digestion

Amylase is vital to the digestive process because it plays a major role in processing any starch in your diet. Additionally, cells in your pancreas produce pancreatic amylase, which helps digest carbohydrates completely. Amylase can reduce the workload of your small intestines by beginning the digestive process in the mouth.[1]


Results from two high-quality studies show that amylase has a role in stabilizing blood sugar levels and preventing the onset of diabetes. According to these studies, patients with metabolic abnormalities like diabetes and metabolic syndrome have lower levels of amylase in their blood.

Relief from Rheumatic Diseases

The results of various studies in patients with rheumatic diseases suggest that oral therapy with proteolytic enzymes such as amylase may be effective in reducing pain and swelling. In fact, these studies show that oral amylase supplementation may be just as effective as current drug remedies, without adverse side effects.

A Lower Risk for Autoimmune Disease

An autoimmune disease results from an overactive immune system – a condition in which your body’s defenses mistakenly attack healthy cells. Interestingly, one study on digestive enzymes and autoimmune diseases found that amylase could help slow the aggregations of molecules that trigger heightened immune responses as well as reduce the resulting tissue damage from overactive cells of the immune system.

Improved Mood and General Well-Being

Alpha-amylase (α-Amylase) is the major form of amylase secreted by the pancreas and salivary glands. The level of alpha amylase in the saliva has been proposed as a clinical marker of autonomic nervous system activity in the brain. Results from one study assessing the levels of salivary alpha amylase in 50 adolescents show a positive correlation between alpha amylase levels and mood. According to the study, higher levels of salivary alpha amylase were associated with high arousal positive emotions (feeling active, strong, excited), suggesting that augmentation of amylase levels through dietary intake and supplements can have a positive impact on general well-being.


Hydrolyses fats in meat and dairy products, oils in nuts and seeds, and triglycerides

Lipase is a pancreatic enzyme essential for fat breakdown. Specifically, it converts the triglyceride component of ingested fats into simpler compounds and fatty acids. Since lipase digests fat and fat-soluble vitamins, deficiency in this important enzyme can lead to metabolic abnormalities including high cholesterol, high blood sugar, high triglyceride levels, diabetes, and obesity. Lipase is typically found in raw, unheated foods like raw egg yolk and raw cream. However, since we cook most of our foods, we need to obtain lipase through digestive enzyme supplements to get its diverse health benefits.

Benefits of Lipase

The amazing benefits of lipase go beyond proper fat digestion. A large body of scientific evidence supports the diverse health benefits of lipase:

Improves Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is an umbrella of symptoms that includes changes in bowel movements and abdominal pain. Supplements containing lipase may help improve gastrointestinal symptoms of IBS by improving digestion. According to a 2010 study involving IBS patients, researchers found that pancreatic enzyme therapy was able to reduce unpleasant symptoms like diarrhoea and abdominal pain, suggesting that lipase supplements can be standard therapy for IBS sufferers.

Improves Symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

CF is an inherited disorder that causes the production of abnormally thick, sticky mucus in the lungs, kidneys, and other body systems. This often results in nutritional deficiencies because the mucus blocks the pancreatic enzymes from getting to the intestines. Several lines of evidence suggest that taking pancreatic enzymes including lipase can help patients with CF to better absorb much-needed nutrition and energy from food, as well as reduce gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and bulky, oily, foul-smelling stools.

Benefits People with Celiac Disease

Celiac disease or sprue can lead to malabsorption of nutrients. This can happen when the intestinal damage related to inflammatory reaction to inadvertent gluten intake, is already severe. As a result, the nutritional status of patients with celiac disease continues to deteriorate. Interestingly, lipase supplementation can help restore normal digestive function by improving the absorption of vitamins and minerals. According to a study conducted in patients with celiac disease, researchers found that pancreatic enzyme substitution therapy with lipase resulted in improved weight-for-height, arm circumference, and other body measurements, indicating that the treatment was able to promote better nutritional absorption.

Lowers Triglyceride Levels

Elevated levels of triglycerides (fats in the blood) are associated with a higher risk for cardiovascular disease. There is increasing evidence that lipase can help bring down the levels of triglycerides by converting them into simpler compounds. By doing so, triglycerides do not pool up in the blood, thereby improving blood flow to different vital organs including the heart.

Prevents Obesity

Results from one study show that lipase can help prevent excessive weight gain. According to the study, mobilization of fatty acids from triglyceride stores in fat tissue requires lipase. Dysfunctional fat breakdown affects energy balance and may contribute to the development of obesity and insulin resistance.


Liberates nutrients from fruits and vegetables, making them more bioavailable.

Cellulase is produced naturally by different microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, and protozoa. Cellulase has the ability to break down cellulose, a natural fiber that is a key part of the outer cellular structure of plants. If you consume a lot of juices, healthy green vegetables, and fruits, it will not be properly digested if you don’t have enough cellulase in your body. This is the reason why you see undigested food fragments in your stool whenever you eat high-fiber fruits and vegetables. Since the human body cannot digest cellulose, you need to take cellulase supplements in order to get the most nutrients out of fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of Cellulase

Taking cellulase supplements can give you the following proven health benefits:

Maintains a Healthy Digestive System

Studies show that the cellulase enzymes have the ability to inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria such as Pseudomonas in the intestinal tract. This in turn helps detoxify the digestive system, as well as the major organ system.[1] In another study involving nursing home patients, researchers found that participants who took a multi-enzyme formula containing cellulase experienced a significant increase in the markers of protein absorption. This indicates an improvement in digestion and overall nutritional status.

Lowers High Blood Sugar Levels

Consuming cellulose can benefit patients with diabetes mellitus. Results from one study assessing the effects of cellulase show that the treatment lowered blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. This blood sugar-lowering effect was observed 1 to 1.5 hours after ingestion of cellulase.

Protects Against Damaging Free Radicals

Free radicals steal electrons from healthy cells, resulting in damage to the cellular structure. Prolonged cellular damage can accelerate aging and can increase one’s risk for various diseases. One study found that cellulase may actually help protect against damaging free radicals due to its antioxidant properties. The researchers observed that both cellulase and grape extract showed efficient free radical scavenging activity.

Helps Normalise Bowel Movements

Cellulose is a natural fiber found in various fruits and vegetables. Since fiber allows more water to remain in your stool and adds bulk to your fecal material, it can help improve bowel regularity and prevent constipation. By loading up on cellulase, cellulose will be easily broken down and fiber will be effectively absorbed by your body.

Protects Against Cardiovascular Disease

Adequate fiber intake consistently lowers the risk for cardiovascular disease by reducing high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and blood concentrations of inflammatory substances.[6] Increasing your cellulase levels through supplements will help boost your body’s ability to digest and absorb fiber, which will ultimately lower your risk for cardiovascular disease.   


Promotes the digestion and absorption of starchy foods.

Glucoamylase, also known as amyloglucosidase, is responsible for breaking off long-chain carbohydrates or starches into sugar that will afterwards be used as a source of energy by every cell in the body. It is a specific type of starch-digesting enzyme called amylase. Every day, we eat large amounts of starches from various food groups, and while these carbohydrates have nutritional value, they cannot be fully absorbed or digested by our body without the presence of glucoamylase. Loading up on glucoamylase through supplements can help you get the most nutrients out of the food you eat.

Benefits of Glucoamylase

A large body of scientific evidence suggests that the health benefits of glucoamylase go beyond the digestion of carbohydrates. Among its many proven health benefits are the following:

Improves Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Glucoamylase, when combined with other enzymes, has been shown to treat the unpleasant symptoms of IBS according to one study. Researchers found that participants who ate a high-calorie, high-fat meal and took glucoamylase supplements along with other digestive enzymes experienced a statistically significant reduction in bloating, flatulence, and the sensation of fullness compared to those who took placebo.

Treats Digestive Upset and Gastrointestinal Issues

One clinical trial found that the intake of enzymes containing glucoamylase is beneficial in treating gastrointestinal symptoms in hospitalized patients. When patients took glucoamylase supplements, researchers observed improvement in nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, heartburn, gas, and loss of appetite.

Prevents Autoimmune Diseases

Researchers believe that glucoamylase supplementation can help regulate an overactive immune system. One study found that glucoamylase and other digestive enzymes have the ability to suppress inflammation, regulate the activity of natural killer(NK) cells and other cells of the immune system, and control other immune complexes.

Improves Energy Levels

Carbohydrates are our main energy source. Since glucoamylase is the key in digesting carbohydrates effectively, loading up on this health-enhancing enzyme can help boost your body’s energy stores. Adequate amounts of energy means more work productivity and improved well-being.

Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Glucoamylase helps metabolize complex sugars into simple sugars so that it will be used effectively as a source of energy. By doing so, glucoamylase helps stabilize blood sugar levels making it beneficial for diabetics with uncontrolled sugar levels.   


Converts sucrose into glucose and fructose.

Invertase, also known as beta-fructofuranosidase, is an enzyme that helps break down sucrose (common table sugar). It enhances the digestion of starch, sugar, and other carbohydrates so that it will be readily used as a source of energy by the body. In contrast to many other body enzymes, invertase is very versatile that it can still remain active within different changes in pH levels.

As we age, we have less access to this potent digestive enzyme, resulting in a reduced ability to get the most vital nutrients out of the food we eat. In order to boost nutrient absorption, loading up on invertase through dietary intake of honey and yeast food products, as well as invertase supplements is a great way to bring your digestive enzymes back to healthy levels

Benefits of Invertase

The benefits of invertase go beyond digesting starch and carbohydrates. Among its diverse health benefits, the following are worth mentioning:

Maintains a Healthy Digestive System

The ability of invertase to create pre-digested simple sugars helps prevent toxicity in the stomach. By effectively digesting sugar so that it will be readily converted to energy, the sugars do not remain in the stomach long enough to create toxic fermentation that triggers bacteria build-up in the intestinal tract. Fermentation of sugars can cause ulceration and other digestive diseases. In this way, invertase can help keep the digestive system healthy and free from diseases.

Improves Energy Levels

Carbohydrates comprise most of our dietary intake and are our main source of energy. By increasing your invertase intake, large amounts of carbohydrates will be easily converted to blood sugar. This in turn boosts your body’s energy stores.

Fights Inflammation

Supplemental oral digestive enzymes such as invertase have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Several studies have shown that invertase and other digestive enzymes can treat inflammatory conditions ranging from osteoarthritis to rheumatoid arthritis without any adverse side effects. The specific mechanism by which invertase exerts its anti-inflammatory effect is by lowering the blood levels of inflammatory substances. Researchers therefore concluded that these commercial enzyme preparations can be equally effective as standard anti-inflammatory drugs.

Fights Infection

Invertase has been shown to possess antibacterial properties. In one laboratory study, researchers found that the invertase in honey can inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas pyocyanea, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus.


Helps break down hard-to-digest carbohydrates found in legumes and cruciferous vegetables.

Consuming beans, cruciferous vegetables, and high-carbohydrate foods can lead to gassiness and bloating. This is because they contain fats or proteins that are difficult to digest. These poorly digested particles then serve as a food source for billions of bacteria in the gut. However, this might produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen, resulting in too much gas which leads to most of the gastrointestinal discomforts. One enzyme that can help break down foods that are hard to digest is alpha galactosidase.

The human body produces alpha galactosidase in the mouth in the form of saliva. It is also produced in small amounts in the pancreas, from which it moves into the rest of the digestive tract. As we age, our body produces less of this highly potent digestive enzyme. In order to bring alpha galactosidase within healthy levels, loading up on supplements in the form of capsules or tablets is a great way to get decent amounts of this enzyme.

Benefits of Alpha Galactosidase

Among the many proven health benefits of alpha galactosidase, the following are worth mentioning:

Reduces Intestinal Gas

Results from one clinical trial show that alpha-galactosidase supplementation can help reduce gas production following a meal rich in fermentable carbohydrates. According to the study, healthy volunteers who took alpha-galactosidase supplements experienced a significant reduction in abdominal pain, bloating, discomfort, diarrhoea, and flatulence compared to placebo-treated groups.

Benefits People with Fabry’s Disease

Fabry’s disease is a rare, inherited disease caused by a deficiency in alpha galactosidase. This condition can lead to pain and discomfort in the hands and feet, skin rash, reduced sweating, clouding of the corneas, gastrointestinal problems, heart problems, kidney complications, hearing problems, and brain problems. Currently, the standard treatment for Fabry’s disease is alpha galactosidase. Patients with this condition usually experience relief from symptoms after taking alpha galactosidase supplements.

Improves Energy Levels

The body’s main source of energy is carbohydrates. By loading up on alpha galactosidase, your body can easily digest high-carbohydrate foods, thus, boosting your body’s energy stores.

Improves Mood

Several lines of evidence show that alpha galactosidase deficiency, particularly Fabry’s disease, is linked with a higher incidence of depression and even suicidal tendencies. This finding clearly suggests that alpha galactosidase supplementation can have a positive impact on a person’s mood and overall quality of life.

Improves Appetite and Body Composition

Taking alpha galactosidase can help improve one’s appetite and nutritional status. In one study, researchers found that alpha galactosidase supplementation improved the body mass index and eating habits of healthy volunteers without increasing their blood sugar levels.


Breaks down glucans in cereal grains and yeast cell walls.

Beta glucanase refers to the group of carbohydrate enzymes that helps break down beta glucans. Beta glucans are sugars that are found in the cellular structure of algae, yeasts, lichens, bacteria, fungi, cereal bran fiber, and plant fiber. Without beta glucanase, the indigestible fiber beta glucans may become viscous in the intestinal tract and can slow intestinal contractions. In this case, the body won’t get the many health benefits of beta glucans. Since the body doesn’t produce beta glucanase, you need to load up on this digestive enzyme through supplements in order to enhance the digestive process and get the most nutrition out of foods rich in beta glucans.

Benefits of Beta Glucanase

Numerous scientific studies support the many health benefits of taking beta glucanase:

Lowers Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

According to a study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture’s Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland, participants who consumed a diet rich in beta glucans showed a significant reduction in total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) levels compared to those who consumed a low beta glucan diet. This clearly indicates that enhancing beta glucans absorption through beta glucanase supplementation can help lower clinical parameters of cardiovascular disease such as high cholesterol levels.

Boosts Immune Function

Improving the body’s absorption of beta-glucans through beta glucanase supplements can help strengthen the immune system and prevent a wide array of diseases. Among complex sugars that act as immunostimulants, beta glucans were found to be the most effective in combating infectious diseases. Human studies have shown that beta-glucans can enhance the activity and function of cells of the immune system.   Additionally, three clinical studies demonstrated that pretreatment of high-risk surgical patients with intravenous beta glucans decreased the incidence of infection, shortened hospitalisation time, and improved survival rate compared to placebo treated-group. 

Lowers High Blood Pressure

The effects of soluble dietary fibers such as beta glucans on blood pressure levels have been studied among hypertensive patients. In one meta-analysis, increased dietary intake of beta-glucans resulted in a significant reduction in the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Similarly, three other studies demonstrated that beta-glucans supplementation in hypertensive patients has a beneficial effect on blood pressure levels.  

Helps Lose Weight

Beta-glucan is one form of soluble dietary fiber that aids in weight loss. Interestingly, a meta-analysis of 22 clinical trials concluded that a 12-gram increase in daily fiber intake can help reduce body weight and fat percentage. 


Hydrolises pectin, and reduces the bulking effect of some fibrous foods.

Pectinase helps break down pectin, a carbohydrate found in plant cell walls, and is known to possess various health benefits. Commonly found in apples and bananas, pectinase plays a major role not only in healthy digestion but also in general well-being and anti-aging. This health-enhancing fiber is also available as supplements in many health food stores.

Health Benefits of Pectinase

This digestive enzyme has diverse proven health benefits such as:

Healthy Digestive System

Pectinase helps provide favorable pH conditions for beneficial bacteria in the gut, allowing them to grow and multiply. This in turn boosts digestive health and prevents various gastrointestinal symptoms.

Improved Blood Sugar Levels

Improving the body’s absorption of pectin through pectinase supplements can help lower high blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for patients with diabetes. In one study, researchers found that diabetics who consumed a diet supplemented with 20 grams of apple pectin per day had a significant reduction in their blood sugar levels.

Improved Cholesterol Levels

The benefits of pectinase supplementation go beyond digestion. By improving the absorption of the highly soluble fiber pectin, pectinase can help lower cholesterol levels even without lifestyle modifications. According to a study conducted at the University of Florida College of Medicine, researchers reported that volunteers who consumed a grapefruit pectin-supplemented diet without a change in lifestyle for 16 weeks, experienced a significant reduction in blood cholesterol (7.6%) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (10.8%).

Weight Loss

With more pectinase in your body, more pectin will also be absorbed effectively. As a highly soluble fiber, pectin can aid in weight loss by helping you feel full for longer periods of time. This in turn can limit your food intake and boost your weight loss efforts. One study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition proved this effect of pectin. The study involved the U.S. Army employees who are all within normal weight limits. On days one and two of the study, they fasted overnight and consumed orange juice containing pectin followed by ice cream four hours later. Interestingly, all of the participants felt more satisfied and full for up to four hours after consuming a meal with pectin.

Relief from Persistent Diarrhoea

Consuming pectinase from green bananas and supplements can help reduce bouts of diarrhoea. In one clinical trial, researchers found that patients who consumed a diet containing 250 grams of cooked green banana daily for 7 days experienced a significant reduction in the amounts of stool, numbers of vomiting, and duration of diarrhoea. Also, the diet reduced the use of oral rehydration solution and intravenous fluid.


Helps break down the complex carbohydrates found in grains, such as wheat, rye, and barley. It is used to improve digestion and nutrient absorption, as well as to reduce bloating and gas.

Xylanase refers to a class of enzymes that break down the complex sugar xylan (also known as “wood gum”) into a simple sugar known as xylose. Xylan is one of the major components of the cell walls of plants like wheat, corn, legumes, and other high-fiber vegetables. Without xylanase, your body cannot digest xylan and extract its usable nutrients. Because the body cannot produce xylanase, you need to take supplemental xylanase to completely digest fibrous foods and avoid indigestion and abdominal discomfort.

Benefits of Xylanase

Taking xylanase supplements can give you the following proven health benefits:

Improves Energy Levels

Since xylans are made up of starches, carbohydrates, and sugars, improving the body’s absorption of xylan through xylanase supplementation can help load up on energy stores as well as improve your productivity and quality of life.

Improves Digestion

Xylanase, just like all the other essential digestive enzymes, is essential for enhancing the digestibility of nutrients. Without xylanase, you will often notice undigested food fragments in your stool when you eat high-fiber fruits and vegetables.

Increases Beneficial Bacteria in the Gut

The gut is home to billions of good and bad bacteria. Xylanase supplementation can help restore this delicate balance by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Studies show that xylanase provides a favorable pH level for beneficial bacteria so that they can grow and multiply. This, in turn, can help prevent various gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhoea, gassiness, bloating, and abdominal pain.

Boosts Immune Function

A strong immune system can help prevent a wide array of diseases. Studies show that digestive enzymes such as xylanase can help boost immune function by enhancing the activity of various immune system cells such as white blood cells and natural killer cells.

Lowers High Cholesterol Levels

There is increasing evidence that xylanase supplementation can help lower high cholesterol levels. By improving the digestibility of high-fiber foods, xylanase can help the body increase its fiber stores. In a meta-analysis of 67 controlled trials assessing the cholesterol-lowering effect of major dietary fibers, researchers observed a significant reduction in low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) levels in individuals who consumed 3 grams or more of soluble fiber per day].  


Breaks down Phytates in grains (wheat, oats & Barley) and legumes.

Phytase is an enzyme that specifically acts on phytic acid (phytate), one of the primary storage forms for phosphorus in plants. Phytase helps liberate phosphorus and other minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium from phytic acid. Traditionally found in plants and commercially available as supplements, this all-natural enzyme can help boost the nutritional value of grains, seeds, corn, legumes, and other hard to digest plant fibers.

Health Benefits of Phytase

Taking phytase supplements can give you the following proven health benefits:

Improved Mineral Absorption

Several high-quality studies have shown the role of phytase in improving the digestion and absorption of essential minerals. For instance, recent research found that phytase supplementation can significantly boost the body’s ability to digest and absorb essential nutrients such as iron, magnesium, and calcium.  Another study in Germany found that phytase supplementation could enhance mineral uptake and reduce phytic acid content, indicating its role in improving mineral absorption. These findings are highly significant and clearly suggest that phytase supplementation can help prevent mineral deficiency, especially in vulnerable groups such as childbearing women, vegans, and vegetarians.

Stronger Bones

As we all know, calcium and phosphorus are essential elements for maintaining stronger and healthy bones. Because phytase boosts the body’s ability to absorb these minerals, phytase supplementation can therefore prevent osteoporosis, fractures, and other bone disorders. The specific mechanism by which phytase helps build strong bones is through its ability to break down and lower phytic acid levels in the body. In fact, one study revealed that postmenopausal women with lower phytic acid levels are at lower risk for bone loss and risk of fractures.        

A Lower Risk for Anemia

Results from one study show that iron deficiency anemia is related to a higher intake of phytic acid.[4] According to the study, despite high iron intake, the occurrence of iron-deficiency anemia among the participants is attributed to the substantial intakes of phytic acid present in the unleavened wholemeal wheat bread (staple food of the subjects). Since phytase supplementation helps break down phytic acid in the body, it makes sense that it can help prevent anemia.

Healthy Pregnancy

Since phytase helps liberate the phosphorus from phytic acid, it may help boost the digestion and absorption of this very important mineral. During pregnancy, phosphorus helps form the backbone of strands of genetic building blocks, DNA and RNA. Therefore, phytase supplementation is beneficial for pregnant women and those who are planning to bear a child.

Strong Immune System

Phytase supplementation provides protection against a variety of diseases including cancer. One study found that phytase has potent antioxidant properties which help fight disease-causing free radicals, inhibit cancer cell growth, and enhance the activity of natural killer cells of the immune system.


Liberates nutrients from fruits and vegetables, making them more bioavailable.

The hemicellulase enzyme breaks down hemicellulose, which is an insoluble substance mainly found in plant cell walls and vegetable fibers. Also, hemicellulase is needed to break down fiber-rich components and polysaccharides (long chains of sugars) from foods so that the body can convert them into usable constituents. Because our bodies do not produce hemicellulase naturally, we rely on microorganisms in our digestive tract to produce it for us. You can also get a decent amount of hemicellulase in the form of dietary supplements in many health food stores.

Benefits of Hemicellulase

This key enzyme has numerous  health benefits which include:

Improves Digestive Health

Loading up on digestive enzymes such as hemicellulase can counteract the age-related net loss of enzymes. In fact, Japanese researchers have confirmed that women aged 65 years and above were found to have the sharpest declines in digestive enzymes. Therefore, taking hemicellulase supplements can help prevent this decline and improve overall digestive health.

Fights Infection

Hemicellulase is a group of enzymes that help inhibit the overgrowth of Candida albicans, which is the most common type of yeast infection in the vagina, mouth, and intestinal tract. This is because hemicellulase contains enzymes that destroy the cell wall of Candida albicans, reducing its ability to hide from the cells of the immune system.

Improves Cholesterol Levels

A meta-analysis of 67 clinical trials found that increasing fiber consumption can significantly lower total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. By increasing the body’s ability to digest fiber-rich foods, hemicellulase can have a favorable effect on cholesterol levels.

Helps Treat Menstrual Symptoms

A 2005 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women with higher dietary fiber intake had lesser and tolerable menstrual pain compared to those with lower dietary fiber intake. By improving the digestion of fiber-rich foods, hemicellulase supplementation can help treat unpleasant symptoms associated with menstruation.


Converts lactose (sugar in dairy products) into Glucose and Galactose.

Lactase is an enzyme that is required for the breakdown of lactose, a type of sugar found in milk and other dairy products. This enzyme is produced naturally in the lining of your small intestine. Since some people, especially those who are lactose intolerant, don’t produce enough lactase on their own, taking lactase supplements can help them reap the many health benefits of consuming dairy products.

Benefits of Lactase

The use of lactase as a supplemental agent to help digest lactose has long been confirmed by an overwhelming body of research. Here are some of the proven health benefits of taking lactase supplements:

Treats Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is an inability to digest and absorb lactose, a sugar present in dairy products. People with this condition usually experience bloating, abdominal cramps, gas, loose stools, diarrhoea, and other digestive problems 30 minutes to two hours after eating foods with lactose. Lactase supplement has been long used in the treatment of this condition in order to improve the body’s ability to digest lactase, with several studies supporting its benefits. For instance, a recent review published in the Journal of Clinical Therapeutics found that lactase is an effective treatment for digestive imbalances related to lactose intolerance.

Improves Energy Levels

By improving the digestion and absorption of sugar (lactose) in the body, lactase can help boost energy levels. This is because all cells in the body need sugar in order to function at optimal levels.

Prevents Irritation in the Digestive Tract

Studies suggest that a reduced amount of intestinal lactase enzyme activity is linked to digestive irritation which leads to diarrhoea, indigestion, loose stools, and other negative responses in the gut. Loading up on lactase may help ease gut problems and improve digestive health.

Improves Mood

One study found that lactose malabsorption is associated with early signs of mental depression in females. According to the study, female subjects with lactose malabsorption showed a significantly higher score in Beck’s depression inventory (test for measuring the severity of depression) than those who were able to absorb lactose.

Lowers Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

A 2006 study found that consumption of dairy products can help lower one’s risk for heart disease by improving blood pressure and cholesterol levels. By improving the absorption of lactose and other nutrients from dairy products, lactase supplementation can help improve several markers of heart disease.


Breaks down proteins into amino acids.

Bromelain is the name given to a class of enzymes derived from the stems and flesh of pineapples. Used widely as a natural remedy for a wide array of diseases and disorders, bromelain is highly rich in vitamin C, B1, potassium, manganese, and phytonutrients. Bromelain extract is produced in parts of Asia and exported around the world for use in both the pharmaceutical and alternative medicine industries.

Benefits of Bromelain

Here are some of the amazing health benefits of taking this nutrient powerhouse:

Speeds up Recovery

European doctors usually prescribe bromelain as an effective remedy for swelling after surgery. In one study involving 150 women who received episiotomies (surgical cuts between the vagina and the anus used to widen the opening) during childbirth, researchers found that women who consumed large servings of bromelain over a period of 3 days, beginning 4 hours after delivery, experienced lesser swelling and discomforts as well as quick recovery compared to those who took placebo.    

Treats Osteoarthritis

According to a 2004 study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, bromelain supplementation in patients with osteoarthritis at a daily dosage range of 200–2000 mg resulted in significant improvement of symptoms, possibly due to bromelain’s anti-inflammatory properties.

Treats and Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

Bromelain has been effective in the treatment of cardiovascular disease (CVD). According to one study, bromelain helps treat and prevent CVD by inhibiting blood platelet aggregation, thus minimizing the risk of blood clot formation. In addition, this effect can also improve blood circulation to the heart.

Fights Pain and Inflammation

There is evidence that oral therapy with bromelain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis can inhibit pain and inflammation, indicating that bromelain can also be beneficial in other medical conditions.  

Eases Uterine Spasms during Pregnancy

In most cases, mild tummy cramps are part of a normal pregnancy. However, uterine spasms can cause severe pain during pregnancy. Interestingly, one study found that bromelain has antispasmodic effects, which means that it can inhibit uterine spasms.    

Fights Infection and Boosts Immune Function

There is increasing evidence that bromelain has the ability to counter certain effects of particular intestinal pathogens (harmful microorganisms) in the gut.] In addition, bromelain possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties which help prevent various infections. In one laboratory study, researchers found that bromelain can help modulate immune responses by enhancing the activities of certain cells of the immune system.


Breaks down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids.

Papain is a powerful digestive enzyme commonly found in papaya fruit and plays a key role in breaking down larger proteins into smaller proteins. Introducing the papaya enzyme papain into a meal can also help break down other hard-to-digest proteins such as gluten in wheat and casein in milk, which are often related to various gastrointestinal problems. Available mainly as a pill or powder supplement, this antioxidant can be found in many health food stores.

Benefits of Papain

An overwhelming body of research supports the many health benefits of consuming papain. Among them are the following:

Strengthens Immune System

A 2012 study found that papain may act as an immune support system by modulating leukocytes and other white blood cells in the immune response. By enhancing the activities of the cells of the immune system, papain can help prevent a wide array of infections caused by harmful microorganisms.

Maintains Healthy Skin

Papain has been long used as a potent skin-whitening agent. Aside from this effect, a 2013 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Plant Studies found that papain supplementation in patients with skin disorders such as warts, eczema, hardness of the skin, and other skin imperfections showed good results with regards to improving the skin’s appearance.

Prevents Rheumatoid Arthritis and other Inflammatory Conditions

A 2011 study published in the Journal of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research found that inflammatory markers decreased when healthy individuals were given papaya.  Researchers believe that the papain in papaya exerts anti-inflammatory properties which can be beneficial in people with rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Fights Fungal Infection

According to a 2010 study published in the African Journal of Agricultural Research, papain appears to be effective in inhibiting the growth and reproduction of different types of fungi, suggesting that it can help prevent various fungal infections.

Improves Exercise Recovery

Pain and inflammation are common after strenuous exercise. Interestingly, a 2009 study found that papain supplementation in healthy subjects was able to reduce exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage and inflammation.


Breaks down casein protein peptides; breaks down fibrin and protects sensitive GI issues from inflammation and irritation.

Peptidase, also known as protease or proteinase, is a type of proteolytic enzyme (digestive enzyme) that helps break down proteins in the body. This type of enzyme occurs naturally in the digestive, immune, and blood circulation systems. Peptidase is considered a crucial element in the human body because it plays a role in protecting against inflammatory conditions, regulating immune function, and proper protein synthesis. Commonly found in pineapple, papaya, whole grains, and other high fiber fruits and vegetables, peptidase is also available as supplements in many health food stores.

Health Benefits of Peptidase

Supplementing on peptidase has a wide array of proven health benefits to offer. This includes:

Relief from Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is characterized by an abnormal immune response to a type of protein called gluten which is found in barley, rye, and other grains. This damages the inside of your small intestine, resulting in malabsorption of essential nutrients. Interestingly, one study found that in patients with celiac disease, peptidase deficiency is common, indicating that peptidase supplementation can be beneficial.  Another study found that enzyme supplementation, particularly peptidase, can accelerate gastrointestinal degradation of gluten in patients with celiac disease, which leads to a significant reduction in symptoms and improved nutritional absorption.    

Stronger Immune System

There is increasing evidence that peptidase can help boost the immune function and prevent various diseases. Results from two studies show that certain types of peptidase can help regulate immune function by enhancing the activity of T cells and other immune system cells.


Proteolytic enzymes such as peptidase possess anti-inflammatory properties. In one study assessing the effects of peptidase supplementation on muscle soreness, participants who consumed 2 peptidase tablets four times daily a day prior to downhill running demonstrated superior recovery and diminished effects of delayed-onset muscle soreness when compared to those who took the placebo. This finding is consistent with the results of other studies that assessed the anti-inflammatory properties of peptidase. According to these studies, peptidase and other proteolytic enzymes reduce inflammation by neutralizing pro-inflammatory substances to levels where the regeneration of damaged tissues can begin. This simply means that proteolytic enzymes do not completely suppress all phases of the inflammatory process to a point where your body cannot activate the normal healing process.

Improved Blood Circulation

One study revealed that peptidase can help regulate normal blood clotting mechanisms by improving blood circulation. The specific mechanism by which peptidase exerts this effect is by preventing platelet adhesion and breaking down substances that can cause blood clots.

Healthy Heart

Atherosclerosis, a condition in which harmful plaques build up inside the arteries, is the leading cause of heart disease. Interestingly, one laboratory study found that proteolytic enzymes can help break down and prevent the formation of these plaques, thereby improving blood flow to the heart and other vital organs. This in turn can significantly lower one’s risk for heart disease.